The Need for Godly Leaders
January 21, 2024 Preacher: Pastor Omer Mascarina Series: Godly Living in an Ungodly World
Scripture: Titus 1:5–9
SUNDAY, January 21, 2024 Pastor Omer Mascarina
MESSAGE: Godly Living in an Ungodly World Series #2: "The Need for Godly Elders"
SCRIPTURE: Titus 1: 5-9
I. The Reason for Guiding Letter (v. 5)
II. The Requirements for Godly Leadership (vv. 6-9)
1. An elder or leader must be blameless or above reproach (Titus 1:6-7). What is the difference between blameless and sinless? How is it even possible to be “above reproach”?
2. Review the requirements and responsibilities for an elder? Do you see any potential dangers in the
responsibilities of elders? What might happen in a church if unqualified elders were appointed?
3. How are these requirements or qualities something that should be true for every believer?
Do you personally struggle with any of these things or areas in your own life?
4. What effects should the life of a faithful person in Christ produce in others? What does your own
life-example reflect to others (be specific)? What practical insights have you learned that you see
can be applied in your life?
5. When God provides leadership through godly elders, what do you think is your responsibility to them?
Pray for the pastors, elders, and deacons/deaconess of your church?

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