Growing Pains

May 7, 2023 Preacher: Joel Valenciano Series: Community Matters

Scripture: Acts 6:1–7

Community Matters #4: “Growing Pains"
Acts 6:1-7

Main Point: To see how the early church resolved conflict. They
did this by recognizing, prioritizing, delegating, and submitting.
1) That we would imitate the God-given wisdom of the apostles
and the early church by resolving conflict biblically.
2) That we would glorify God by seeing how He turned a near
tragedy into triumph.

I. Recognized the Problem (6:1-2)

II. Prioritized the Main Things (6:2,4)

III. Delegated Ministry (6:3)

IV. Submitted to Authority (6:5-6)

V. Resulted in Triumph (6:7)

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